Our Story
ACT or Arthritis Curved Tableware is a set of flexible cutlery dedicated to people suffering from temporary or permanent mobility challenges, but also for kids that want to have a fun dinner and for adults who want to steal food from somebody else’s plate.
The variable geometry of the handle allows the user to shape the handle however he needs – especially when the disease evolves. The thick and soft handle doesn’t require a tight grip which can cause additional pain. These features are transforming this product into one that will always meet the user’s specific needs and allow him to have an ergonomic cutlery that is offering a pleasant eating experience.
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Who are we?
We are a Romanian design studio where we believe that every creation has a story, and ACT's story is about products that empower individuals to overcome challenges and embrace life to the fullest. Experience the freedom, joy, and independence that ACT brings to the dining table – a product designed with love and dedication, tailored to meet your needs.
About Us
Hi! I’m Alexandra and I’m a product designer passionate about creating solutions for people in need. My beloved project is ACT, an idea that was born in the university years and that was improved during the past years. Based on the research that I’ve made with patients and doctors, I knew that I needed to create a product with variable handle that can be adaptable to different needs and stages of the disease.
The idea and the “aha” moment came one evening when I was putting my hair on curlers. Starting with the first prototype I tested the cutlery with the beneficiaries and improved it based on the direct feedback. That’s how we got to the actual version of ACT. This was a long journey, full of challenges, but I’m happy that now we are able to deliver a product that can make a better everyday life for people with permanent or temporary mobility problems.
Projects & Awards
ACT in media
Incluziv: De la bigudiuri la tacâmuri flexibile
Un design bun se recunoaşte atunci când omul găseşte utilizări alternative pentru un produs, dincolo de intenţia iniţială. Tacâmurile flexibile
Forbes 30 sub 30 – 2022. Alexandra Matei, fondatoare ACT, o misiune mai presus de profit
Și-a dorit întotdeauna să ajute lumea prin creațiile sale, iar principala sa misiune este de a readuce independența și bucuria
Tacâmurile ACT: design incluziv pentru cei cu mobilitate redusă inspirat din bigudiuri
Alexandra Matei este designer de produs. În 2018 a creat tacâmurile flexibile ACT pentru persoanele cu mobilitate redusă. Ideea i-a venit în timp